What would it take to pass PMP exam? Not much, if you follow the PMP advice by Atul Mishra, who recently passed the exam. You’ll be amazed how simple and straight forward his approach is.
Why did I choose PMP?
I strive to learn new things constantly. I went for PMP exam for personal development and for new opportunities that I can land with the project management qualification under my belt.
The study resources I used
It is a fact that too many cooks spoil the broth. A simple google search for PMP study resources bring over 780 thousand results, so it is easy to get overwhelmed. However, some research is needed to shortlist few and then stick to it.
After some research I zeroed in on three resources:
- PMBOK guide,
- Rita Mulcahy’s PMP accelerated learning study book, and
- PM PrepCast (an awesome video course).
Also Read: Noorulayn explains how she passed PMP with 2 weeks of dedicated study!
PMP study approach I took
After subscribing to PM PrepCast, I started listening to it almost immediately. I would listen to video lessons during my commute and whenever I get a break during work, to maximize my study time.
This is the strategy I followed –
- First I would watch one chapter of video lessons from PM PrepCast, and then I proceed to study the very same chapter from PMBOK. This would help me understand PMBOK better.
- Next I would solve chapter-end questions of same chapter from Rita’s book.
- This way I would study for 3 to 4 hours every day.
- In the last month of my study I would read around 8 hours a day.
- All through my study period I made my own study notes. This exercise helped me gain better understanding of what I was studying.
- This way I studied for close to 4 months.
I found PM PrepCast so good because after watching each lesson 2 to 3 times I was not facing any issue to understand PMBOK at all!.
The week prior to the exam
Before one week I stopped all the mocks questions, all study group discussions.
I solved only PM PrepCast simulator exam questions.
In addition I revised PMBOK and my study notes.
Also Read: 5 things to do in the week prior to your PMP exam to increase odds of passing it.
My PMP exam experience
Real exam experience was very good for me. 🙂
Questions pattern was same as it was in the PMPrepCast Simulator so I didn’t feel any difficulty.
I marked around 20 questions for review and I finished my exam in 3 hours and 35 minutes.
After that I reviewed my marked questions and changed some of my answers.
My hands were shivering when I was about click submit button though I was confident that I would clear exam.
And after few seconds screen flashed with the Congratulation message. I passed with 4 Above Target and Target in Closing domain!
My suggestions to PMP students
My advice for PMP aspirants to focus on PMBOK only, there is no need for any other book. I read Rita’s book for 3 chapters only.
If you can buy PM PrepCast please buy it – this is very helpful for clearing concepts and the 1200 PMP mock questions are really very good. Best simulator available in market.
In short,
There is no short cut to success,but with some planning and a couple of self-imposed rules you can keep the study path the shortest – something like the critical path on the project. 🙂
Get hold of your study material, make a study plan that involves studying every day (or as regularly as you can), make your own study notes, practice to face the real exam using mock tests, and be as calm as you can during the day of your exam.
You will clear the exam without much hassle.
Good luck!
Also Read: How Sayeenand passed his PMP exam with a simple plan he made himself.