Project Integration Management

manage project knowledge

Manage Project Knowledge: an Area of Focus for the PM

While we learned how to execute a project in the previous lesson, the PM has to do something else too ...
Close Phase or Project

How do You Close a Project Phase or the Project Itself!

You have produced deliverables as per requirements, have had testing team validate them, fixed all the issues found and change ...
Perform Integrated Change Control

Managing Changes On The Project

Recall the discussion about change request from this post , the salient points of which are - A change request ...
Monitor and Control Project Work

Monitoring Project Work and Controlling any Deviations From the Plan

Have you observed how a Formula-One race is intensely monitored by the Race Director and staff, and driver's actions are ...
Direct and manage project execution

Project Execution Phase: Where All the Action Happens

Planning is a crucial part of project management. Planning is where the car is washed, fuel-tank and tire pressure is ...
Corrective action

Corrective action Versus Preventive action Versus Defect repair

You took all the pains, made all subsidiary plans, took help from Organizational Process Assets, and prepared project plan considering ...
Develop project management plan

Developing A Project Management Plan: Crucial Part of PM Role!

Creating a project management plan is a complex process, where all subsidiary plans of various project domain areas such as ...
Project charter

Developing A Project Charter: One of the Critical Documents of Project

Have you got a chance to prepare a project charter? Chances are good that in some cases project manager is ...

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