Project Schedule Management

schedule management plann1

How to Plan Creation and Management of Project Schedule

Many people confuse project schedule with project plan. This is a common perception because many people look at a Gantt ...
Control Schedule

How To Control Your Project Schedule

Controlling Schedule is the project management activity in which progress on project activities is compared against Schedule baseline to understand ...
critical path method

How to Calculate Critical Path, Float, Early Start & Late Start, and Early Finish & Late Finish

This is a part-post from Developing Project Schedule project management activity post. You will learn how to calculate critical path, ...
Develop Schedule process

How to Develop Schedule on Your Project, the True Way!

What is the single most important document you need to run a project? Project plan? May be. Project schedule? Possibly ...
Estimate Activity Duration process

Estimate Activity Durations – a Step Away From Creating Project Schedule

You, the project manager, have worked out the resources required for each activity in the activity list, and now are ...
Sequence Activities process

How to Sequence Activities on the Project

John just finished planning exercise of his house construction project. He figured out all activities and activity attributes required to ...
Define Activities process

How to Define Activities from Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

What is logical next process to take up after creating Work Breakdown Structure from the project scope? To define activities ...
Schedule Management Knowledge Area

Understanding Schedule Management On Project

What is that one thing that you, as a project manager, would not have most of the time? Time! Customer ...

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