108 Must-Know Project Management Statistics for You to Gain Unfair Advantage this Year!

108 project management statisticsProject management is an incredibly complex field, where no one approach solves all problems. While different project management methodologies are used across industries , some of them are chosen for wrong reasons. While common sense is not commonly found in some of the decisions, there are times you look back and feel proud of your own decisions.

While the insights you gain from your own experience help you make better decisions and get ahead in your career, some of the insights that statistics unearth can be extremely useful for you to take certain decisions.

[bctt tweet=”108 must-know project management statistics for you – some of these may make you fall in love with your profession all over again.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Here are 108 project management statistics grouped under seven buckets.

Can you guess which bucket has the most number of statistics?! 🙂

Take a guess, and let us get started!

Project Management Statistics: Job Prospects & Salary

[bctt tweet=”According to PMI’s Salary Survey (2018), PMP credential holders earn 23% more than those without it.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”As of September 2018, the average salary of project manager in the US is $90,337.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: Glassdoor

[bctt tweet=”In the United States, in Information Technology sector Project managers with 4-6 yrs of experience sector get highest jump with avg base salary of $76,954″ username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: Glassdoor

[bctt tweet=”Project management related workforce in the US earn 82% higher than non-project management related workforce.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: ThinkTankConsulting

[bctt tweet=”In the United States, Project Manager on Agile projects on an average, earns $84,134.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: Glassdoor

[bctt tweet=”About 30% employees feel stressed about finances and let it impact their focus and productivity at work.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: Bank of America

[bctt tweet=”Women agile software developer in the US earn on an average, $93,439 while men agile software developer earns $101,584.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: Payscale

[bctt tweet=”The leading sector in project-oriented job openings from 2017-2027 is Manufacturing and Construction, at 9.7 million jobs. Followed by IT, Finance & Insurance, and Management & Professional services.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”Largest number of project management jobs in project-oriented industries from 2017 to 2027 are going to be created in China, India, US, Japan, and Brazil – in that order.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”From now till 2027, every year 2.2 million new project manager jobs will need to be filled.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]

Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”As on September 2018, the average basic pay of project managers in India is INR. 904,400″ username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Glassdoor

[bctt tweet=”The sector where PMP certification holders earn the most is in Financial & Insurance. The salary range as of 2018 is $114,000 – $144,000 in this sector.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Smartsheet

Also Read: Carmen Boles-Mata shows how to prepare for PMP preparation like a rock star!

Project Management Statistics: Productivity

[bctt tweet=”In a study conducted among American workers, they rate their own productivity to be 11% higher than the average American worker.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Qualtrics

[bctt tweet=”62% say wellness programs are a selling point when looking for a new job, but only 35% actually have a wellness program available at their current job.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Staples

[bctt tweet=”70% employees felt that Pets in the office will increase employee morale, productivity, and work satisfaction.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Banfield

[bctt tweet=”Here’s a stat that does not do good for morale. Three fourth of American workers think they do not have access to latest efficiency-boosting technology.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Staples

[bctt tweet=”Happy workers are more likely to perceive their coworkers to be more productive.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: The Center for Generational Kinetics

[bctt tweet=”Employee influence is on the rise – Nearly 60% of employees say they have a voice at work, and more than half of employees say they’ve gained more influence at work over the last five years.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Staples

[bctt tweet=”Both employers and employees agree that stress is the biggest health concern at work, although they disagree on the causes of stress.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Willis Towers Watson

[bctt tweet=”Surprisingly, employees that spend as much as 80% of time working remotely are likely to have highest workplace engagement.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Gallup

[bctt tweet=”The Lean project management method, Kaizen has been shown to increase employee well-being and social satisfaction.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Human Relations

[bctt tweet=”Over 22% Americans fear of losing jobs due to their industry’s shrinking growth.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PewInternet

[bctt tweet=”Nearly half of workers state feeling overworked is motivating them to look for a new job.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Staples

[bctt tweet=”The organizations that allow employees to choose their own work style will increase their employee retention by 10% by 2020.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Gartner

[bctt tweet=”The US economy loses $411 billion an year due to reduced productivity because of sleep loss of its work force.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: RAND Corporation

[bctt tweet=”A study found that moving into a gree building improves decision-making performance by 8%. Interesting, isn’t it?” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Environmental Health Perspectives

[bctt tweet=”The changes that technology, political and economic climate, or any other reason brings in to business lowers average employee’s performance by 5%.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: CEB

[bctt tweet=”53% employees in non-pet-friendly workplaces would be more likely to stay with their company if they could bring pets into office.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Banfield

[bctt tweet=”When it comes to motivation, 50% team members are found to be motivated more by team success than that of company’s. 27% team members feel company’s success is crucial, and 23% believe personal goals are more important.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Atlassian

[bctt tweet=”Studies have proven that creative tasks that generate emotional response encourage better thinking and improve dedication to work.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Frontiers in Psychology

[bctt tweet=”Employees seek well-stocked break areas for improved happiness and productivity, as well as to create a more social environment and to decrease stress.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Staples

Also Read: Follow this step-by-step blueprint to crack the new PMP Exam (2018) in 4 weeks

Project Management Statistics: PM Maturity

[bctt tweet=”It would be interesting to know that just 21% organizations use standardized project management practices for their projects.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”55% of PMs create a scoping document during the planning stage always or most of the time.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Wellingtone

[bctt tweet=”There was a time when not many organizations believed in the concept of PMO, which is changing now. Over 85% organizations have PMO. About 45% of PMO staff have received PMP, and the tendency towards it is increasing.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: The State of the Project Management Office (PMO)

[bctt tweet=”Over half, actually 65%, of organiztions have good alighnement of their strategic goals and those of the projects” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”Of the organizations that have a PMO, just 36% predict an increase in future PMO resources, 54% predict an increase in scope & responsibilities.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Wellingtone

[bctt tweet=”While the adoption of formal project management methodologies in organizations needs to increase, 97% of organizations do believe that project management discipline is critical to a higher business performance.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers

[bctt tweet=”83% of business leaders agree that their organziations are aware of and understand the value of project management in organization’s success.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”Over half of, actually 56%, organizations have used just one project management methodology.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Capterra

[bctt tweet=”The sector that has seen the biggest percentage increase in project-oriented jobs in the United States is HEALTH. It leads with 17% growth.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

Also Read: A brutal-review of a killer PMP prep course

Project Management Statistics: Agile!

[bctt tweet=”Artificial Intelligence is gathering momentum in mainstream agile projects. By 2030 it is estimated to automate 80% of routine work in agile projects.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Smarter with Gartner

[bctt tweet=”Surprisingly, only 11% companies use agile project management methodologies all the time for all the projects.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”As compared to manufacturers that use a single project management methodologies, over 56% manufacturers use a combination of multiple methodologies.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Liquid Planner

[bctt tweet=”In Netherlands and Belgium, 76% organizations say Agile projects will surpass those using Waterfall methodology by 2020.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: KPMG

[bctt tweet=”Agile is used extensively by manufacturing organizations. While 27% of them use agile completely, over 56% use a combination of agile methodologies.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: LiquidPlanner

[bctt tweet=”Gartner Hype Cycle states that agile project management methodologies are reaching their peak of what they call as ‘inflated expectations’, and the problems with agile will start appearing to the PM community.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Gartner

[bctt tweet=”Over 71% of organizations now use agile methodologies in their practices more frequently than previously.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”In a year’s span in 2016, the practice of using spreadsheet for agile projects decreased from 74% to 67%.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: VersionOne

[bctt tweet=”As far as Communication Service Providers that have adopted bimodal IT are concered, over 93% use agile project management methodologies.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Gartner

[bctt tweet=”While analyzing failed agile projects, 63% considered the reason for failure to be due to the incompatability between their existing business culture and agile business philosophy.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: VersionOne

[bctt tweet=”53% of project management professionals that the primary cause of increase in their organization’s agility practices is the desire to innovate in the face of changing priorities.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”Agile projects have high success rates, a study by PWC found that 28% agile projects are more successful than other forms of projects.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PwC

[bctt tweet=”As much as 71% of companies use agile project management methodologies. And these companies may use them sometimes, often, or all the time.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

Also Read: Exactly what you need to increase your PMP odds by 4X – even with just PMBOK!

Project Management Statistics: Risk/Failure causes

[bctt tweet=”45% of project management professionals are unhappy with the level of maturity of project management practices in their organization.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Wellingtone

[bctt tweet=”Projects with budget over a million USD tend to fail 50% more than those with budget below $350,000″ username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Gartner

[bctt tweet=”17% of projects had a cost overrun of 200% and schedule overrun of 70%” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Harvard Business Review

[bctt tweet=”37% projects fail because of lack of clear goal, as confirmed by the business leaders.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI Pulse of the Profession

[bctt tweet=”63% organizations let their executives decide when to postpone or close a project.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: InformationWeek

[bctt tweet=”34% projects do not have any baselines as the planning stage ends.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Wellingtone

[bctt tweet=”Average cost overrun of projects is 27%.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”Communication is the cause of failure of 57% projects.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: IT Cortex

[bctt tweet=”The US government lost $32 billion in failed Information Technology projects in 2017.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Software Solutions Symposium

[bctt tweet=”Just 37% of projects in the UK are completed on time.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Wellingtone

[bctt tweet=”Unclear business objectives, out-of-sync stakeholders, and excessive rework are reported to be the reasons for not having confidence in project success by 75% of respondents of a survey.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Geneca

[bctt tweet=”The most common problem faced by manufacturing projects in 2017 was Cost management, which stood at 49.5%. The second most common problem was hitting deadline, which accounted for 45.8% and the third was Information sharing across teams (43.9%).” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Liquid Planner

[bctt tweet=”High-performing organizations have a stellar track record of project completion, at 89%, compared to low-performing organizations at 36%.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”37% of project failure causes are lack of defined objectives and milestones.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”IBM has 3 key goals for projects – schedule, budget, and quality. Just 40% prjects meet these key goals.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: IBM

[bctt tweet=”Biggest PM challenges: poorly trainied PMs, too many projects at the same time, lack of senior management support, poor resource management.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Wellingtone

[bctt tweet=”The most common project management challenge as reported by businesses is capturing effort spent (in terms of time and cost) on the project.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: The Access Group

[bctt tweet=”44% of projects report failure cause to lack of alignment of project and business objectives, while just 42% organizations report alignment of their business and project objectives.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”46% companies report that they don’t fully understand the value of project management.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”Over 34% projects have no baselines at all.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Wellingtone

[bctt tweet=”One third of projects fail because their senior management weren’t involved in the projects.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: University of Ottawa

[bctt tweet=”According to an estimate IT project failure rates is between 5% to 15%.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Gallup

[bctt tweet=”The projects that are successfully completed on time and budget are less than 33%.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Standish Group

[bctt tweet=”Failure costs of IT projects costs economy anywhere from $50 million to $150 million in the US.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Harvard Business Review

[bctt tweet=”Failure of software projects is set to be the most, with over 75% business executives anticipating that their projects will fail.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Geneca

[bctt tweet=”70% of projects tend to fail.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: 4PM

[bctt tweet=”About 75% IT executives believe that their projects are going to fail, right from the start.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Geneca

[bctt tweet=”The top 2 biggest obstacles to success as reported by US workforce is Communication (59%) and accountability (29%).” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Atlassian

[bctt tweet=”In the United States, $122 million was wasted because of bad project performance for every $1 Billion invested in projects.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”Over a whopping 80% of project management executives do not know whether their projects align with their company’s business strategy.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Changepoint

[bctt tweet=”Organizations waste an average of $97 USD for each billion USD invested.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”The success percentage of projects is pegged at 26%.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”44% of the project managers do not use any kind of project management software.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Price Waterhouse Coopers

[bctt tweet=”Half of PMOs close inside 3 years of coming into existence.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: KeyedIn

[bctt tweet=”Just 2.5% organizations complete all of their projects 100% of the time.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Gallup

Also Read:Leverage the wisdom of over 150+ PMPs by stealing their prep secrets.

Project Management Statistics: Use of technology

[bctt tweet=”In this age of Artificial Intelligence, 73% of US workforce believes that technology can never replace human mind.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PricwaterhouseCoopers

[bctt tweet=”While shopping for a project management software the top 3 requirements given by the project managers are: Reliability, Ease of use, and Ease of Integration with other systems.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: The Access Group

[bctt tweet=”40% of project management software purchase decisions are made for Functionality, 24% for ease of use, and 9% for price. Then there are factors such as support, reputation, software popularity, and implementation training.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Statista

[bctt tweet=”The most popular project management software? Microsoft Project.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Capterra

[bctt tweet=”Open Source technology is observed to increase efficiency, interoperability, and innovation in 90% of the companies.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Black Duck Software

[bctt tweet=”This one is a bit old, but useful. In 2014 project managers were 13% less likely to use story mapping tools than in previous years.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: VersionOne

[bctt tweet=”Employers that believe their workforce effectively uses mobile tech are more creative and productive.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit

[bctt tweet=”As per Transparency Market Research, the global online project management software market will be pegged at $6 billion by 2025 from $2.74 billion in 2016.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Transparency Market Research

[bctt tweet=”The most popular agile tool? Atlassian Jira.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Caterra

[bctt tweet=”PWC found that use of commercially available project management software increase performance and satisfaction of project managers. Inspite of this 44% project managers use no software to manage projects.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Pricewaterhouse Coopers

[bctt tweet=”Use of Open Source software has increased at 65% of companies in 2016, compared to previous years.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Black Duck Software

[bctt tweet=”67% companies use project management software to communicate with their clients.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Capterra

Also Read: My recommended PMP prep list (tons of free resources)

Project Management Statistics: Certification

[bctt tweet=”It is cheaper for the organizations to have in-house project management training in place, and just under half (49%) organizations have them.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PM Solutions

[bctt tweet=”PMI’s report suggest that $308 billion GDP will be at risk due to shortage of project management talent.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”Which is the least popular project management methodology? PRINCE2.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”New Zealand has one of the highest proponents of PRINCE2, as over 80% organizations reply on its guidelines, according to KPMG.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: KPMG

[bctt tweet=”Project manager’s contribution to GDP is substantial. The GDP contribution from project-oriented industries is expected to hit $20 billion by 2027.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

[bctt tweet=”In Project Manager community, just about half – 56% – project managers have one or the other type of project management certification.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: Wrike

[bctt tweet=”Any methodology is better than no methodology. Organizations that invest in a project management methodology waste 28 times less money. This is because more of their strategic initiatives are completed successfully.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: CIO.com

[bctt tweet=”As available project managers retire the gap needs to be filled by the new project managers at the same or better rate than that of retirees. Studies show that there will eb a demand of 87 million project managers by the year 2027.” username=”pmexamsmartnote”]
Source: PMI

Phew! That’s incredible set of statistics.

Hope that this has given to, at the least, some hearty laughs, and at the best some insights into your career path.

If you think this can help other project managers please share in your social network!

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