This Will Save You Precious Minutes on the Exam, And Might Just Help You Ace It – For the Same Amount of Preparation!

PMP question typesJust completed another ebook – ‘The Super Guide to PMP Question Types’.

This eBook describes 13 different types of PMP questions.

Why is it necessary to identify the ‘type’ of PMP question?

Well, although 4hrs seem quite a lot of time for the exam, considering that you need to answer all of 200 questions (including 25 pre-test questions) – you get just over a minute to solve a question.

Then there are moments of lapse in concentration, calculation based questions that take time, and even a necessary break you might have to take (coffee/rest room/water) – which may mean you get less than a minute per question.

Every minute you can save will give you an additional minute to tackle tough questions.

This is much valuable considering that a re-test will take more money, more time and delay in reaching goals tied to PMP certification.

While knowing your concepts AND practicing mock tests do help – if you are able to identify a question type, you can quickly use the appropriate strategy to answer it, thus giving yourself ‘additional’ time for tougher questions!

That is what this book does – it identifies 13 types of questions and strategies to answer them quickly. Further, it shows sample questions belonging to the type so you know how they look like and how to answer them.

This book also reveals my overall strategy to get most of the questions right on the exam, and to get best results for the same amount of exam preparation. In short, it ensures better ROI.

For a limited time I am giving this book away for free.

Click here to see how you can get this book.

Note – this is in addition to other 3 free ebooks I am already giving away, which complement your PMP study and help towards passing the exam on first attempt.

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