I was watching a sports show the other day, and the experts were talking about why some people excel and become wildly successful while others with similar skill and training, often fail to make it big. They attributed this to mental attitude.
It struck me that the same is true in all aspects of life, and for all of us. The very same principle applies to PMP aspirants who are already struggling to find time to study from their busy working life. Add daily commute and social and family obligations, and it becomes almost impossible to make a consistent study effort.
I prepared PMP Study Blueprint, and pretty much everything on this whole blog, with this single goal – to make it easy (and fast) for busy working professionals, like you, to pass PMP exam and thereby achieve your career goals.
And the other ingredient for PMP success is the right mindset. A Positive mental attitude. Towards this, I am sharing an amazing book with you today, for free. It is called –
Pool Of Positive Thinking
Learn How You Can Tap Into Your Own Positive Mind Power
If you’ve signed up for PMP Blueprint you would recall this mantra –
(No) Action = (No) Success.
Download it. Study it. Act upon its principles. Feel free to share it with your friends.
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