Step by Step Guide to PMP Application on

PMP Apply OnlineHi there!

Thank you for writing in to give your suggestions and feedback on how this blog is helping and how we can further improve to aid your PMP preparation.

Please keep your suggestions pouring in! It helps me make this blog your single place to get all that you need to ace your PMP exam.

You may have one or more of these concerns –

  • I have worked as a techno-manager in the projects, how do I show my PM work?
  • The number of hours of project management experience I have is not very good.
  • I do not remember the number of hours of experience under each of the 5 project phases.
  • I have not worked in all the 5 project phases in some of my projects.
  • I am not sure how to write my application using the wordings that PMI expects.
  • I do not work in traditional project management industry such as manufacturing or IT.
  • I do not know if my work comes under Projects or Operations (I know PMI rejects the application that includes Operations experience)
  • I do not want to spend a lot of time to figure out how to write and submit the required information.
  • I am no longer in contact with my former project managers.
  • I worked on many short projects (under 8 months).
  • I have worked on some solid projects a decade ago. Can I show them in my application?
  • I managed multiple projects at the same time. How should I show this experience?

If you have any of the above, confused about how to proceed, or worried about application rejection by PMI, please feel free to reach me on Skype. My Skype id is shivshanker.shenoy Or write to me at

Step-by-step application submission flow

Note – On 18 Jun 2020, PMI has changed the application flow. Watch this space for updated flow.

Based on several requests for a step-by-step guide to filling PMP application on site, here is a simple presentation (which I thought is much easier for you than a boring long post).

Please wait for few seconds for the slides to load up in the presentation.

Download the free template referred in this presentation from here. This is updated on 3rd June, thanks to one of PMESN readers, Rebeca Calderón.

Please write to me at shiv-at-pmexamsmartnotes-dot-com, should you have any questions.

Happy studying,


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{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Lee Oakley May 22, 2016, 11:48 pm

    Thank you for the great template! I do have a question about inserting information about projects. The PM position that I have been in for the past three years is in Facility Maintenance. Most of my general trades projects last between one to five weeks each, and I perform 100-150 projects per year. How do I condense this information for the PMP application so I do not have hundreds of projects to comment on?
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you

    • Shiv Shenoy May 29, 2016, 7:13 am

      Hi Lee, sorry for the late reply. You may want to group the similar projects together under a common attribute such as customer or vertical or domain.
      Best regards,

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