How would you find out number of days in the month of May, or say September, without looking at the calendar?
If you looked at your knuckles and figured it out, you just used a mnemonic.
Something like this –
Image courtesy: Wikipedia
If you’ve read PMESN content earlier you probably are aware of this sentence that helps you recall 10 PMP Knowledge Areas in the exact sequence, without putting in much effort to remember them –
“Integrating Scope and Time will Cost our Quality Human Resources to Communicate with a Risk of Procuring Stakeholders“.
Let’s try another one. Can you remember this sentence –
“See See See, Father and Husband are Playing Soccer!”
Not hard to remember, right? If you did, you’ll have no trouble recalling Seven Basic Tools of Quality at all.
Let’s look at that sentence again.
“See See See, Father and Husband are Playing Soccer!” (visualize a scene where a lady is telling this to her friend while on a picnic).
If you picked just the bold words/letters they would be: C C C F H P S
- Cause and effect diagram (also called Ishikawa diagram or Fishbone diagram)
- Checksheets (also called Tally sheets)
- Control charts (also called Shewhart charts)
- Flowcharts
- Histogram (vertical bar chart)
- Pareto diagram (80-20 principle)
- Scatter diagram (also called Scatter Plot or Scattergraph)
These are the 7 basic tools of quality.
By spending about 3 minutes so far, you just saved probably an hour or more of overall effort that PMP students put in on an average to remember these two bits of information so crucial for the PMP exam.
That is the power of Mnemonics.
And I have a bunch of them for most of what you need to remember for your PMP exam in this book.
And it didn’t hit me to share these until one of my coaching students asked me explicitly recently. Silly of me, I know!
So, here’s the 55+ page short ebook to help you remember crucial PMP information in a jiffy.
You can use this book in few ways –
- use during your regular PMP study – make progress faster now
- to prepare your brain-dump in the preceding week of your PMP exam (it will help even if brain-dump unloading is not allowed in your test center)
- as part of revision
How to get this book?
I am going to send a copy to all those that have bought either PMP Last Mile prep books or have bought PM PrepCast and Simulator bundle (from this review page) in the past 5 weeks.
If you are going to invest in any of these study resources henceforth, you’ll get a copy anyway.
Here’s what one of CAPM students says about the book –
“I believe this is an asset to anyone who is undertaking the PMP or CAPM exam or even a person who wants to brush up on the Project Management [concepts].
This book is well crafted, each knowledge area is broken down very simply, the material presented is suitable for study purposes and mnemonics provided are easy to remember as intended.”
-Mandalee Mason, CAPM
Ralf Maier from Ontario Canada, who recenly passed his PMP exam says,
“Just wanted to let you know I went over your book and find it very well written.
You make things easy to understand and I’m reminded of the techniques of “good” trainers to ease things up while going through, often very dry, topics!
Thanks for giving me the chance to have a look and for the effort you put in to help the PMP community!”
– Ralk Maier, PMP
That’s about it.
One more study resource to simplify and accelerate your PMP study preparation.
As always, please write to me your feedback about book or anything else you think I can help you with.
Wishing you success,
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