At last, PMI announced the date on which the PMBOK-6 based NEW PMP exam will come into force: 26 March 2018. This means there is higher chances to pass PMP exam now.
If you are taking your PMP exam on or before 25 March 2018, you will be taking it on the current syllabus (largely dependent on PMBOK-5 guide).
Which is a breather for sure. We are few months away now.
And this does beg few questions –
- Do I have all the required study resources (introduction, main course, last mile) to prepare well?
- Am I certain that with my study plan I can juggle my work, family, personal, social life AND carve out time to study and prepare for the exam?
- Am I choosing the ‘path of least resistance’ for my PMP prep?
The fact is that as the new exam date approaches, there will be more people looking to book exam slots at Prometric exam centers around the world.
Few people will do that in order to ‘give a shot’ because their exam eligibility period is expiring.
And some will just try their luck.
And it is human nature to leave things till the end (remember the urgent/important matrix?), Therefore, some people, like me, that were perennially preparing but never attempting the exam will now jump on the bandwagon.
But all of them will gobble up one scarce commodity that you will need for your exam – PMP exam slot at Prometric center.
Which means that practically you may get just ONE shot at the current, more certain, PMP exam.
And you want to be prepared well and give it your best shot.
This reminds me of the time when I was preparing for my PMP exam.
Just as it happened to me
Years ago, when I (finally) decided to take up PMP exam I began my preparation for the then current, PMBOK-4 based exam, with utmost seriousness.
And then PMI announced PMBOK-5 based exam.
I was hesitant.
This had a major downside, which almost made me give up on my PMP dream.
The confusion. That eventually became a scare for me.
PMBOK-5 had few new processes, newer ITTOs, renamed processes – enough to confuse the daylights out of me – someone who had spent a lot of time studying PMBOK-4 based content.
I was beginning to look at every free online study resource with skepticism – am I looking at PMBOK-4 based material, PMBOK-5 based one, or PMBOK-4 based material’s unchanged part.
I can see it is happening again to people preparing for the exam now. People that have been preparing for the PMBOK-5 based exam, and eventually end up taking up PMBOK-5 based exam, for whatever reason.
With PMBOK-6 is around the corner, I have been advising people to get PMP certified as soon as possible.
And there is a good reason for that.
You already have enough on your plate – work, family, friends, hobbies, and so on. You don’t want another area of concern, or confusion, that will surround the new exam. At least during the initial days.
Earn your PMP first and then spend few hour with PMBOK-6 to understand the additional content. Implementing the new content at work at that point of time would not be a big deal.
Right now, stay out of uncertainty, confusion, or even scare.
Get PMP certified now.
“What’s the simplest way to pass PMP exam?”
I was talking to my friend and a fellow PMP coach, Dan Ryan, and we were discussing how can we help.
Dan came up with a brilliant idea, “why don’t we conduct a webinar and share the prep method that we only gave to our coaching students”?
Of course!
We had been, for years, refining our method of PMP prep based on real-time feedback, keeping in line with changing trend of the PMP exam. We have a method that is PROVEN to work.
People with absolutely no time to study had passed their PMP exam by following this method.
People with not much of experience, but were eligible for the exam, had passed with ease.
People whose first language was not English and had difficulty with the exam prep had passed with ease.
Why not share the same with everyone now?
We are going to conduct a special webinar on the 10th October, to do just that.
I invite you to make use of this opportunity, and pass PMP exam with ease.
Click here to sign up for free now.
On the webinar, we are giving everyone a free gift to supercharge your PMP prep.
The webinar is free, but it has limited seats. So hurry, grab your seat while it is available.
We’ll see you on the webinar.
[SneakyAffiliate sneakyaffiliateurl=”http%3A//www.pmexamsmartnotes.com/dan-shiv-webinar-blog-post” sneakyaffiliatecookiexpdays=”1″ sneakyaffiliatesplash=”Are%20you%20sure%20you%20want%20to%20leave%20before%20you%20sign%20up%20for%20the%20FREE%20webinar%3F” ] [/SneakyAffiliate]