“How To Pass PMP Exam Before PMBOK-6 Kicks In” – this book was released a week ago – on 31st August – on Amazon.
In just couple of hours, the book was being downloaded – which was fantastic.
Today, this book hit #1 spot among ‘Amazon Hot New Releases’ in the PMP Exam Category of books on Amazon USA store (amazon.com)!
And the credit goes entirely to you! Thank you for making this happen.
This comes on the back of ‘PMP Smart Flashcards’ released last month – which uses the Spaced Repetition algorithm based study tool that optimizes study time and increases retention.
Here’s the snapshot –

With your support, I will continue churning out more prep resources that stay true to the goal of this blog – make cracking PMP exam an easy and enjoyable experience. To take the pressure out of PMP exam preparation journey.
More and more people are writing to thank how they have been helped by PMESN blog content, Fb community and one-on-one help. Considering that over 80% of the content on this platform is given away for free – I’m so grateful for the support you people are extending to make this blog a thriving platform for PMP aspirants.
Thank you!

[SneakyAffiliate sneakyaffiliateurl=”http%3A//www.pmexamsmartnotes.com/passpmpb4pmbok6″ sneakyaffiliatecookiexpdays=”1″ sneakyaffiliatesplash=”Are%20you%20sure%20you%20want%20to%20leave%20before%20you%20checkout%20the%20special%20sale%3F” ] [/SneakyAffiliate]