Teaching PM Concepts is the Best Way to Remember ’em – Martin Cortez, PMP

pmp lessons learned martin cortez pmpShiv!, I would like to thank you for your guidance during my preparation for my recent PMP Exam.

I am happy to report that I passed the first time and couldn’t be more relieved to put this test to bed.

pmesn testimonial martin pmpI would like to share my experiences with the future PMP’ers preparing for the exam with the following takeaways:

PMP Study resources

a. I read Rita cover to cover two (2) times. One KA per day usually and reviewed Risk, Quality, and Time Management several times.

b. Shiv’s Smartnotes and Study Plan were extremely helpful to reinforce the material and to stay on track

c. Two full Mock Exams and scored an average of 74%. Reviewed all incorrect answers and reviewed those subject areas.

d. Hundreds of Practice Questions from Exam Central and BestPMP.com. Note: BestPMP closely mirrored the format of the exam questions.

e. I prepared and brain dumped all Process, Knowledge Areas, and all the processes from process table in PMBOK as well as all formulas. There were not very many calculation based questions on the exam.

PMP Study plan

a. Find a great place to study and take a break every 2 hours no matter how long your study session. I studied for 60 days 2-3 hours a night and 4-6 hours on Saturdays and Sundays.

However, I struggled with finding a good study spot at the beginning and wound up studying at Coffee Shops. I took noise cancelling head phones but I needed a constant supply of coffee so I killed two birds . . . sort of thing.

b. Commit yourself to studying even though it might be painful and laborious at times. Keep telling yourself that you are going to put in the work now and pass the test the first time.

c. Keep reviewing the areas you don’t know until it sticks. Make it a game and teach it out to someone who doesn’t know Project Management.

I didn’t do this with all the subject areas but it really helped with the one’s I did teach out.

3. Listen to whatever Shiv tells you to do!

I wish you all much success on the exam and look forward to calling you fellow PMP’s. Now go get after that exam!!!

Warm Regards,

Martin Cortez, PMP


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