Voila! Over 1063+ PMP students have got the Kindle books in this series so far.
Today, I am giving away the 6th book in the series is available for free access on Amazon Kindle platform.
Click here to get your free Kindle copy of the book ‘Master Your Cost Management Concepts’!
Please note –
This is available for free access for 24 hours only, on Wednesday 4-May-2016 12am PST time to midnight PST time.
You can sign up for getting notified as and when remaining books in this series are published, here.
If you are not seeing the ‘Buy now’ button on the page, it could be due to 2 reasons.
- Amazon does not allow Kindle book download in specific countries around the world.
- Amazon has several sites – each one catering to certain geographic location. You might have logged into a site that does not belong to your geo location. In that case, you log out from whichever Amazon site you are in and log into your country specific Amazon site (such as amazon.com/.in/.co.uk/.de/.it etc)
When you do, this is how the page looks like (with zero price units) the one below – you simply go ahead and click buy button and pay nothing. You get instant access to the book on clound (read.amazon.com for instance) or you can sync to a free Kindle app on PC/Mac/Smartphone.

Click here to get your free Kindle copy of the book ‘Master Your Cost Management Concepts’!
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Happy studying!
Please send your feedback to me at shiv(at)pmexamsmartnotes(dot)com