

Thank you for being a part of PMESN community.

Since 2013 I have published 879+ blog posts and 20 non-fiction books across 3 niche blogs. Along the way, I’ve been fortunate enough to help businesses and individuals get online and leverage Internet to build and grow their online business. And after some deliberation, I have decided to provide the following services for the readers of PMESN.

If you are looking for high-quality work in any of the following areas, I’d love to help.

You can learn more about what I do, here:

My focus is more on quality than quantity, so reach out to me with your needs and I will tell you the pricing details and turnaround time, within 24hrs. And if there is already too much on my hand I will let you know earlier.

Content: Authoring blog posts

write blog postsAuthoring blog post typically has two goals –

  1. Educate the target reader with valuable information, so they associate your brand with quality and they move a step closer to conversion (of whichever business goal your blog has)
  2. Write in a way that Google (and other) search engines pick your article for the keyword and start showing in Search results.

Therefore, the content has to be authoritative and packed with value, it should subtly nudge your reader towards conversion and fulfil your business goal, and it should have marketing elements to attract audience organically.

The areas I can fulfill this commitment are:  Digital Marketing, Online Business, Project Management.

Write to me with your needs in these or related domains at: with subject ‘Blog Post Authoring Service’, or from here.

Content: Ghost-writing your ebook

ebook ghost writingEra of business cards is history. An ebook is the BEST form of a business card (Googling your name being the other!).

An ebook has elements of virality built into it, which serve your business goal from a long time persective. An ebook brands yourself or your business, and can be one of the best ‘ethical bribe’ to get leads for your business.

After understanding the specific goal of your ebook and discussing the topic, I will author the book and deliver in MS doc and pdf formats.

  • Authoring ebook
  • Including Call-To-Action for conversion (leads, sales, etc)
  • Cover design
  • eBook image (for marketing)

Optionally, I can publish your ebook on Amazon Kindle platform under your account.

Write to me with your needs, at: with subject ‘Ghost-writing Service’, or from here.

Online Business: eMail Marketing Setup

email marketing serviceEmail marketing is the life-blood of modern online business. It does take a bit of work, and some marketing techniques, to put in place a good email marketing framework in place.

Under this service, I will,

  • set up your account with AWeber (economical, top-class service, and one with best delivery rate),
  • write and configure auto-responder series,
  • create and help you integrate landing form on your site,
  • share best practices of email marketing.
  • I can even help create a lead-magnet, if you need.

Write to me with your needs, at: with subject ‘Need eMail Marketing Setup’, or from here.

Online Business: Blog Setup

blog setup serviceAre you passionate about something? Do you want to help people with your knowledge? Or do you simply want to create a blog and maybe earn some passive income? I have done it and helped people do the same.

Over 90% blogs fail to go beyond 6 months, and a small percent earn money out of it. Simply because the blogger has not understood how to do it from a marketing perspective.

I recently released a training course called ‘The Profit Blogging Method’ explaining how I went about creating profitable blog. You can get for free along with this service as a complement.

Write to me at: with subject ‘Blog Setup’, or from here.

Online Business: Website Analysis

site analysis serviceIf you own a website for your business and would like me to review it, do get in touch.

We will have a quick discussion so I understand your business objectives. I will analyze your site/blog and send you a report with recommendations to optimize for conversion, or whatever business objective you want to achieve with your site.

Write to me at: with subject ‘Website Analysis’, or from here.

Product Review

pm product reviewRarely I do reviews of Project Management exam training products.

If you have one I will be able to go over it, analyze and write a detailed review.

Please understand that this is a paid service, I request you not to approach with affiliate commission offer.

Write to me at: with subject ‘Product Review’, or from here.

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