In some of my recent communication I began asking people what they need to make their PMP® preparation easier.
PMBOK-6 based exam is round the corner and the mad rush for Prometric exam slots has begun. In view of this, it only makes sense for me to do everything possible to help people study faster, smarter, and with less stress.
Birken suggested, Flashcards.
Yes, using flashcards is a smart way of studying. We went a step further to make it even simpler and faster to study with Flashcards.
PMP Smart Flashcards.
Research has proven that a technique called Spaced Repetition – a way to repeat information with a frequency that is inversely proportional to the difficulty level – is a great way to push information into long term memory without taxing the brain.
The simpler way of saying this is that if you study a difficult bit of information more frequently than an easy bit of information, you will remember it easier and longer. Basically, you optimize your study efforts.
‘PMP® Smart Flashcards’ is a set of over 528+ virtual flashcards that allow you to learn important PMP® terms using Spaced Repetition study technique. This will greatly reduce the amount of time you take to study for your PMP® exam, while making it easier to remember what you study.
This helps you study smarter and faster, instead of harder.
There are two ways to get this set of flashcards,
(search for ‘Smart Flashcards’ on these pages)
From here > http://bit.ly/smart-flashcards1
From here > Get Smart Flashcards and much more..
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