PMP Mock tests made the real exam quite easy! – Richards Iyoha-Osagie

pmp mock tests“PMP mock tests made the real exam quite easy!”

Hello Shiv,

I really appreciate your efforts in helping me to prepare for my PMP exam. I am an IT project manager at work and a busy one at that managing about 5 projects all the time. I started training in June this year after I felt the need to take my practice to a professional level.

My exam prep

richards pmpMy training center spread it over 4 months (weekends mostly) after which we did a mock test, which I did well in and that motivated me further to take up the exam.

I read Rita Mulcahy’s PMP book (of course) in preparation for the PMP mock test. After I paid for the exam October ending, I took a second pass on Rita’s book while skimming through PMBOK (which I found extremely boring by the way). I just didn’t want to do the exam without ever reading PMBOK. Although I must say the annex (PMBOK) helped a lot.

I was extremely busy at work but I had to make the sacrifice. Any little time I had I would study & when I got back home I would study.

I was overwhelmed with work and I didn’t know how to study. Just then I came across Shiv’s study notes and it helped me put things in perspective. I answered every PMP mock test question posted on a daily basis on the Facebook page.

On my second pass (which was more intense), after reading each chapter and practice test in Rita, I would go online to answer questions on that knowledge area and understand why I failed in some. It was tasking, annoying, frustrating but it was a learning experience worth the effort.

I also did many PMP mock tests. On first attempt, is scored 68% and 61% in Oliver Lehmann (75 questions and 175 questions  respectively). I did Headfirst test (200) and had 72%, and tried many other mock tests I could find.

Few days to the exam, I began stress tests – meaning I sat for 4hr PMP mock tests with 200 questions.

Day of the exam

On the exam day 14th December, I got to the Prometric center early and began on time. The exam was pretty simple compared to the practice tests I did and I blazed through the questions, and marked every calculation question for review.

When I was done I still had 40 minutes left, I took the bold step and clicked end exam. After about a minute of loading (my heart was out of my chest).. I saw the much anticipated message CONGRATULATIONS!!

I really just want to thank God for helping me.

– Richards Iyoha-Osagie, PMP


Note from Shiv:

>> Click here to get complementary access to PMP Exam Simulator now.

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{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Nikhil Talgeri January 3, 2016, 8:30 pm

    Hi Shiv,

    I passed my PMP exam on my first attempt using PMBOK and your notes. I believe this was about Preparation (65% – PMBOK and your notes) , Industry background (10% – the background doesn’t help on the exam, but it helps you to prepare for the examination!) and lastly, common sense (25% – common sense helps you on the exam – while it’s hard to get like for like questions from study guides on the exam, keeping a cool head and thinking rationally can help). I scored Proficient in all Process groups! Thanks Shiv

    • Shiv Shenoy January 3, 2016, 11:11 pm

      Awesome, Nikhil! Hearty congratulations!
      New year couldn’t have arrived on a better note for you, I guess 🙂


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