Prasanna V (PMP): Make sure you only take PMBOK-5 mock tests

I passed the PMP exam on 28th Jan. Here are my PMP Lessons Learned.
Got Medium Proficient in all, except in Execution I got Proficient.

Here was my approach to prepare –

1. Studied PMBOK once (Most of my focus here was to understand on ITTOs)

2. Studied Rita Mulcahy once (along with Q&As at end of each chapter. Perform all exercises provided diligently)

3. Took some practice tests like –

4. Repeated reading PMBOK & Rita’s book once again. (it took 30% less time than it took reading them first time)
There are many areas which we may not use in our day-to-day project management. Going through these books second time helps in clarify and remember those concepts clearly.

5. On last but final day – took all chapter tests/mock test provided at PMP training sessions.(this time I got most of the answers right than when I did it in the training). Also tried few questions at –

I was still not confident after doing all of the above (especially after finding answers how questions could be framed in Oliver Lehmann samples). I kept telling myself that not all 200 questions will be tough and just hoped to pass the exam). Above approach worked for me and hope it helps others as well.


a. There are too many practice tests out on internet. Many of them could be of PMBOK Version 4. I wasted lot of time going through them.
b. Also few basic but important things to do – Anytime we find that we answered some questions incorrectly, take time to find why it was incorrect and what our understanding about the concept was prior and after knowing the correct answer.
(I repeated the practice tests multiple times till I got all questions(concepts) correct)

Also I spent 2 full weekends (4 days completely) + 30-40 days (1 or 2 hrs each) to complete above preparation.
Make sure to write all 16 formulae on paper that is given to us before starting the exam. There will be online calculator available so no need to ask for calculator. I finished answered all 200 questions in 3 hours 30 minutes.
Another 20 minutes I reviewed all marked questions (about 30 questions). I finished the exam 5 minutes earlier.
There were 2 surveys (one before & another after the exam). Took just 1 break (i.e., after answering 125 questions).
There be physical checks everytime we return from washroom/drinking water and that time will be counted, hence I didn’t prefer to take more than 1 break).

Other useful links which I randomly went through –


Prasanna V, PMP

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