PMP: How To Hit Your New Year Resolution In a Powerfully Simple Way [Ends on 6 Dec]


The New Year is approaching faster than a bullet train.

It feels as if 2018 began just yesterday. Doesn’t it?

Time does fly.

Were you able to accomplish all of your New Year resolutions for this year?

I did not get to many of mine, to be honest. Well, I couldn’t even start on a few.

And one of the reasons I realize is that I never made any concrete plans to achieve these resolutions.

Do you think this was a reason for missing any of your resolutions, if you did?

While this is a great time to look back at the year and see what accomplished, now is also the right time to start making goals for the near year.

Thinking about PMP certification? This post, especially the end, will knock your socks off! Click to Tweet

And more importantly to put some concrete action plans in place so that you will achieve them.

What’s your key New Year resolution?

pmp-newyear-2019For most of us in project management role, one of our goals is to get certified.

A well-respected certification gives us,

  • the necessary knowledge to do our job better
  • a way to get recognized as an authority in project management
  • a means to get ahead in career (yes, performance appraisal is not too far away)

And if you ever googled for PMP preparation material, the gazillion results wouldn’t fail to overwhelm you.

Ever since I began to coach PMP students over 5 years ago, my focus has been to remove the blockers that busy professionals such as you face on the way to achieving PMP credential.

And a HUGE part of this is to simplify the study process itself.

All this comes from a genuine concern for people fighting through to get to their PMP goal – unreasonable demands of the job,  pressing need to give time for family with kids, the pressure of being socially active and involved, and the essential need to make time for self.

I’ve been spending insane amount of time understanding the research findings on how our mind grasps new information. And to apply these to each of the study tools we’ve created for PMP preparation.

One such is the 12-module PMP ‘Last Mile’ course.

PMP last mile brain-friendly preparation resources

Every module has been created based on 2 aspects –

  1. the difficult parts of PMP prep (ever felt the dread when thinking about how to prepare for ITTO questions?)
  2. application of research based brain-friendly study techniques to make these difficult parts easier

Here’s how these 12 modules break down PMP complexity –

  • Module 1: 4-week PMP study plan (based on my #1 Amazon best seller book ‘How to pass your PMP exam in 4 weeks’). While the average time taken to get PMP certificate is 6 weeks, our accelerated study plan and resources help you get in 4 weeks. Or lesser.
  • Module 2: Knowledge capsules – to answer any situational questions easily. Ah, what a relief.
  • Module 3: PMP study tips toppers use – study once, remember forever. All the secret methods revealed. Among others, learn how to answer ITTO questions in seconds. More videos added regularly.
  • Module 4: Mind maps – KA and PG wise mind maps. Get a hold on the backbone of PMP syllabus. I’ll share the techniques, and even free online tools if you want to create mind maps yourself.
  • Module 5: PMP Mnemonics – learn concepts of all 10 knowledge areas using unique memory devices. Imagine taking an exam on your favorite novel. This module makes PMBOK just like that.
  • Module 6: Complete PMP Formula guide – formulas even outside of PMBOK and expected on the exam. Answer any formula questions on the exam easily. With luck as many as 15 questions in your pocket. Feel the burden off your shoulder.
  • Module 7: Super guide to PMP Question Types – identify the type of question in 3 seconds, apply the specific strategy and answer it quickly. Cuts the noise out of the exam. Saves over 17+ minutes. What would you do with another 17 minutes on the exam?
  • Module 8: Psychology based exam taking strategy – unique way to keep yourself in positive mindset throughout the exam. Answer more questions in lesser time on the exam. The best thing to have happened to PMP aspirant since the sliced bread.
  • Module 9: Simulators – over 9 simulators to test your preparedness. More questions added regularly.
  • Module 10: PMP Flash cards – study smart and not hard. This shows difficult concepts more often than easier ones, so you reduce your overall study time and spend that on better things. Like that vacation with family.
  • Module 11: PMP Exam cheat sheet – revision material crammed into 15 min guide. Use during breaks, and on the morning of your exam. Keep the important concepts on top of your mind.
  • Module 12: PMP Brain dump – learn the strategy and use a ready-made one to create yours. Have instant access to difficult formulas and concepts right during the exam. No more anxiety about missing out on things you knew.

How about these bonuses –

  • Bonus 1: Project Manager’s career guide downloadable ebook. We help you not just pass your exam but also grow as a project manager.
  • Bonus 2: Join PMP study group on Facebook to get all the support you need for the exam.
  • Bonus 3: Regular training videos and other resources are added to the course. At NO extra cost.

The cost?

While many pay over $2000 for effective PMP prep, this course takes the effectiveness 2 notches higher.

Well, for starters if I tell you this course make your PMBOK seem like edge-of-the-seat thriller novel read, would you believe me?

I didn’t think so. So I invite you to test this yourself.

Click to know more…

PS – Whatever you’ll see on the other side of this link will last only till 6 Dec.

Cheers & all the best!

Let’s go crush that exam,

pmesn, pmp lessons learned

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