PMP Exam Tip: Practice Makes PMPerfect! – Audrius Grinys, PMP

pmp exam audrius grinysShiv, thanks again for your valuable stuff. I passed PMP exam on 1st of March, 2016 on my first attempt. I thought it’d be nice to share my PMP exam tips with your readers.

My PMP Exam preparation

pmp exam audrius grinys pmpPreparation for the exam took me around 8-11 weeks. I started preparation 19th of October, 2015 with short breaks (Christmas, New Year…). I studied materials in the evenings and weekends, sometimes at work – on an average I studied for about 2-3 hours per day and 5-6 hours on weekends.

My suggestion is that it it you have possibility, it would be good at least one week before scheduled exam to take out of job (academic vacation).

Also Read – PMP Lessons Learned: Don’t just start with PMBOK guide – by Vignesh Kalyanasundaram, PMP

My PMP study materials

Regarding materials, I tried to concentrate on 4-5 sources.

  1. PMP Exam Prep Boot Camp, by Richard Perrin – source #1. I have read it at least 2 times very carefully, took all provided tests.
  2. PM PrepCast with PM Exam Simulation – source #2. I have watched it at least 1 time. Exam simulation is the most valuable part. IMHO, every student who wants to enhance success on the real PMP exam – MUST purchase this PMP Exam simulator.
  3. PMP® Project Management Professional Study Guide, Fourth Edition, by Joseph Phillips – source #3. I have read it first, before PMBOK.
  4. PMBOK 5th ed – source #4. I have read it at least 1 time very carefully. Basically, one chapter per day, in total 14 calendar days (13 chapters + ANNEX A1).
  5. PMESN PMP Blueprint – helped me a lot to memorize important stuff, I tried to review it at least 3 times per week.

Also Read: PMP Certification: How I Earned It Without PMBOK – Jackie W. Gibbs

Study approach

Probably, the most important for me was PRACTICE. I chose a lot of tests from different sources, internet, books, mobile apps (Google Play – there are a lot of free apps).

I solved around 3600 PMP mock exam questions through different sources. I created evaluation sheet in order to track my progress and identify the weakest areas.

If you are able to score at least 80% from PM Exam Simulator – you are ready!

The other point I want to highlight is – don’t forget to memorize formulas. On the exam it’s important part, and you don’t want to miss any score on such questions – believe me, you will have some calculations. I have listed all formulas on the paper and repeated every day till the exam day.

My take on the new (updated) PMP Exam

Actually, nothing stressful here. PMP students should more concentrate on initiating process group. Earlier to 12th of January change, this process group had about 8% of questions and after 12th of January now you can expect 13% of questions out of total 200.

On my PMP exam I got a lot of questions regarding business needs, benefits realization, peer-review processes, knowledge management. I cannot compare old exam with a new one, because I have passed it on my first attempt. But, believe me, all sources mentioned above covered everything that I needed for new the exam.

And…, finally, relax and keep calm on the exam day.

All the best and success on the PMP Exam!

Best regards,
Audrius Grinys, PMP

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