PMESN – PMP Question Contest Winners May-2014!

pmesnYet another month rolls by. And we have yet another set of winners on ‘PMP Question-a-Day’ contest for May 2014!

This month has been by-far most active with over 60 people taking part, and with 34 of them getting at least one answer right.

The top 3 positions are captured by…

Before I give away that,

Let us look at some of May month’s numbers

New readers of PMESN blog 4838

Bounce rate, lowest ever! – 3.57%

Total users of blog – 25510, from 164 countries

Visitors from top 5 countries – United States (37%), India (17%), Canada (5%), United Kingdom (3%), Australia (2.5%)

Articles posted –

3 Ways To Grow In Your Current Job

4 Crucial Characteristics of an Effective Project Manager

5 Things You Must Do Before Appearing For Project Manager Job Interview

Meanwhile on Slideshare,

Total views – 64,640

Downloads – 2037

Most viewed presentations –

5 Motivational Theories Project Manager Must Know8149

8 Essential Interpersonal Skills Project Manager Must Have4043

PMESN – Step-by-Step Guide To Filling PMP Application2061

And Facebook community is growing!

New entrants (Likes) to the community (Welcome, you!) – 203

Total reach of posts – 7050

Thank you, dear friend. Your support is helping hundreds of other PMP aspirants!

Alright, enough number crunching.


Please join me in congratulating –

Sivakumar Ganesan, for standing First!

Manikya Rao Eppa, for standing Second!

Ashwin Kini, for standing Third!

Thanks to all the participants…

PMESN May 2014 Winners may-2014-Sivakumar may-2014-Manikya may-2014-Ashwin


If you are aiming to get your PMP certification, stay focused. Sign up for PMP Study Blueprint on this blog and get a head-start!

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World needs more Qualified Managers! 🙂

Till next post,



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