First of all,
Thank You!
You have been awesome last month and supported PMESN community with your participation. We’ve had,
- 321 additional page Likes on Facebook page (40% +)
- 21K post reach week on week
- 8213 new readers on the blog
- 3640 new views on Slideshare
But the crown jewel – mails from you telling that you are finding the content helpful for your PMP preparation.
The blog testimonial page has few of such messages. Again, thank you for that!
Before we declare winners of last month’s Fb contest, few announcements –
1. PMESN Inner Circle
Like I said earlier, I have been getting mails and notes from readers who are succeeding at their PMP exam by using PMESN notes as one of their reference resources. I feel immensely satisfied to see the goal of PMESN being fulfilled, that is to ‘Make cracking PMP easy and fast for busy professionals’.
Hi Shiv, I used your notes as one of my reference study. I am happy to inform you that I successfully completed my PMP certification on my first attempt, your notes is a good reason for that. Thank you so much.
– Nagesh G
I feel that I need to serve you better for posing your faith in me. Hence for people who have used PMESN blog notes as one of your references for PMP preparation, I am creating an Inner Circle.
What are the benefits of being in this club?
Below are some of the benefits what I am currently thinking of, I will send specific emails announcing them as and when I think of more –
- Feature you and your story on PMESN blog
- Free Professional Resume Service
- Discounts on any of career enhancing products that I personally endorse
- More as I plan..
The only entry criteria to this club is that you have used PMESN blog SmartNotes (navigate from blog menu *PMP SmartNotes*) as one of your study resources to pass your PMP preparation. If you have, just write to me, using Subject line as ‘Inner Circle’!
2. PMESN is opening the gates for Guest posts
If you love sharing your knowledge about PMP or Project management here are the expectations –
- Article should be about any of PMP syllabus topic already not covered in the blog, or it should be about increasing one’s value in PM career based on your personal experience
- Should not contain any of copyrighted material
- It should be an original article not published on the net, and of at least 600 words length
- If any reference is used, citation should be included at the end of the article
- Can contain maximum one link outside to your own blog
- Can contain multiple relevant links to any other site on the internet
- One link allowed in the Author section (max of 6 lines)
- I can help finding a suitable image for the post, covered under Creative Commons license
What is not allowed?
- Scraped or copy-pasted article from the net – partially or fully
- Previously published (anywhere on the net) article
- Containing copyrighted material (text or image content)
- Article with lot of grammatical errors
- Articles written mainly for promotional purposes (of author or some product)
Please write to me first about the topic you are thinking about and general structure, along with a brief introduction about you and your experience as project manager. Please do not send the written article directly before this step. This saves time both for you and me.
3. Top-3 winners of Monthly Facebook contest will get 10% ‘PMESN’ discount on Cornelius Fitchner’s products PLUS all of the bonuses
Starting Jun-2014 (that is, now).
I have been thinking of ways to give tangible reward to people winning monthly Fb contests and I think this will be useful.
This discount is Over and Above any periodic discounts (currently you have $73 off on PM prepcast + Simulator bundle) that Cornelius gives for PMESN readers.
What’s more?
This is transferable!
Which means, if you have won the Fb contest (winners announced during first week of subsequent month) and you do not want to claim the prize you can pass it on to someone else.
In case you haven’t won, write to the winners (or to me) to see if you can get the privilege transferred to your name!
Nough said, Lets get to the winners, shall we? 🙂
(My apologies for the delay in announcing results this time).
In June, 91 people attempted daily Facebook PMP questions as against 80 in the previous month. The competition was tough, and the difference between positions is slender.
And the winner is..
- Sivakumar Ganesan with 27 answers
- Second place is taken by Manikya Rao Eppa with 23 answers,
- Third place goes to Mahmoud Amin with 22 answers.
Special mention: Marcello Pasquazzo and Mohamed Al Alfy at 17 points each, and for having been consistent at answering questions!

Finally, a big shout out to Mahmoud Amin for supporting PMESN on the social media. Here’s a heartfelt ‘thank you’, my friend!
Dear Winners,
Let me know if you’d like to claim the prize or pass it on to any of the community members.

Till next time,