PMP Exam Has Changed. Again. Please Pause Your PMP Exam Preparation, & Note This Development!

PMBOK 7 PMP questions in PMP exam

The news is that PMI has begun to include questions from PMBOK 7th version in the PMP exam question bank.

This means that you are most likely to get these on your exam.

So far we were of the opinion that PMBOK 7th based exam will be officially announced, and expected to be some time in 2023. Or so.


But it all changed this week.

PMI announced that PMBOK 7th version officially makes into the list of reference books for the PMP exam!

More on this in a bit.

I understand this is a bit disappointing. But it’s not all that gloomy, I will explain in a bit.

First things first.

Oliver Lehman posted this on LinkedIn about 24 hours ago, stating,

Friends, the first #PMPExam questions referring to the #PMBOK Guide 7th Ed. have meanwhile entered #PMI’s exam question bank.​”

Here’s what he said.

You can find his post here.

Well, in terms of actual reference books for PMP exam, the official list that is, there are 11 books now (download guide here).

Where’s the official word on this?

I checked the PMI’s site, and sure enough, there is the official announcement about PMBOK-7 being a reference book for the PMP exam –

“The exam is based on the PMP certification exam content outline (ECO), not the (PMBOK® Guide) or other reference books. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – 7th Edition will now be a reference to inform the development of the exam items.​”

pmbok7 pmi pmp ref official

To be honest, I found it a bit hard to wrap my head around the statement, “will now be a reference to inform the development of the exam items.​” 

Does ‘develop of the exam items’ refer to exam questions?

That seems the logical conclusion.

Linked here find the official statement.

What does this mean to those preparing for PMP exam?

I understand that this is a bit disappointing, but sometimes things outside our control do happen.

We know this, being project managers, better than anyone.

This means any of the following –

  • Include PMBOK-7 to your list of study resources
  • If you have booked your exam before the end of this year, see if you can incorporate about 30 hours of additional study time for this
  • If your exam is closer, consider pushing it by at least a week and give yourself time to go through the PMBOK-7 couple of times

You must be thinking:

Wait a minute, 30-hours for 2 rounds of PMBOK 7th version of the guide, are you kidding?

It should not take much longer.

Unlike earlier versions of PMBOK guides, PMBOK 7 is neither long, nor hard.

  • PMBOK 7th version is shorter (about 230+ pages)
  • The language is much simpler to read compared to the previous version
  • Most importantly, DOES NOT replace the previous version, but adds to it

The last point implies that you don’t have to unlearn any of what you have studied so far.

In fact, as you begin reading the 7th version, you will not just start to enjoy it, you will also see “it all makes sense”.

So, please do not see this need for additional study as a setback.

Rather, take this as an opportunity to get better at your craft of project management.

Few top resources to help you along the way

Here are few top PMP study resources (and collection) that might help you –

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When you invest in any of the above you get special PMP bonuses –

Just email me your customer id to (shiv-at-pmexamsmartnotes-dot-com) to receive the following bonuses –

  1. PMP Turbocharger (brain-friendly complementary PMP course)
  2. 15-minute one-on-one PMP Exam Strategy Session and a free study plan template to customize for your timeline

Looking for the PMP simulator? Use the coupon below for instant 10% off on PMPrepCast Simulator –

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2022 is here.

Let’s get PMP this year.



(Simpson photo courtesy: 20th Century Fox)


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