It is a celebration time at my office each time PM Exam Last Mile Prep program student passes their exam. Which happens multiple times a week now a days. And it is an uber-special occasion of celebration to pass the PMP exam in 4 weeks!
Exactly what Jeremy Rasool did with some brilliant planning, cool study resources, and focused effort.
While such success of my students is a blessing to me, it is also a reminder of my responsibility to help as many aspirants as I can, to pass the exam in the easiest possible way, in the shortest possible time.
Jeremy Rasool is an experienced project manager with over 20 years of rich experience, and is a Sr. PM with Dept of Health Cape Town, South Africa. In this short interview you’ll find how did he pass the PMP in just 4 weeks.
Don’t miss to download the 4-Wk PMP Study Blueprint infographic at the end of this article!
What made you take up PMP? Did you consider any other certification exams?
The PMP is undoubtedly the benchmark and my research overwhelmingly favored the PMP over other qualifications.
As a project manager, working in the public sector, I feel that the project management (PM) level of maturity is low compared to Supply Chain Management, of which I am also certified (CIPS, Diploma Level).
I needed the PMP certification to show proficiency and expertise to build the PM level of maturity within the organization.
That’s a prudent goal. What are the benefits you expect now?
The core benefit of the certification for me is to lock into a community of project management professionals. And also to garner the skill set in delivering business benefits through effectively & efficiently executing projects.
Which study resources did you use?
I used Simplilearn, PM Exam Last Mile Prep program and Prepaway exam questions.
In retrospect, the PM Exam Last Mile Prep program was all I really needed in conjunction with mock test questions.
Let’s not forget the PMBOK guide. There is no substitute for this one, and is a must read.
In short, do your research and choose top 2 (3 at the most) sources of study. Stick with them.
To pass the PMP in 4 weeks is phenomenal. What was your study plan?
I began slow and steady in the first 2 weeks and studied intensely during the last 2 weeks before my exam.
Initially I spent time reading the PMBOK. I’d recommend getting the paperback. It’s easier than reading from the screen.
I printed the mind maps from PM Exam Last Mile prep program at my local printer in huge A2 format and studied from there. These mind maps are a brilliant way of learning vast amount of content in a short time.
In the last week I just focused on exam questions using mock tests.
In all I used 4 weeks to prepare and pass the exam.
That’s brilliant. Did you face any blockers?
With busy work schedule my main issue was finding time to study. However, by downloading the voice recordings from PM Exam Last Mile, I covered the study material in the go. And just regurgitated the recordings over and over until it stuck.
Getting good quality exam questions was an issue. I did YouTube (so much out there, if you have the time I strongly advise researching topics on YouTube and questions). Prepaway offer good questions, although after sitting the exam I admit it’s difficult to find exact questions. I tried many resources to be prepared.
Also read: Suggested online free mock tests and more PMP resources.
The week before the exam is crucial. What was your approach to study during this week?
I just studied around 2,000 exam questions. In hindsight I would suggest refreshing ITTO’s as well!
Can you share your real exam experience.
Exam questions were not exactly as expected. They weren’t very technical, but focused on when things go wrong.
Plenty of Stakeholder and Communications KA related questions.
Risk KA also played a big role.
I felt that I should have focused a lot on the last quarter of the PMBOK content.
You may feel like not being sure about some of the answers (you’ll find multiple options looking very similar!) Just trust yourself to know the answers.
The time frame to answer 200 questions is tight, do your best. Use the exam strategy from PM Exam Last Mile to answer more questions in least amount of time. Don’t fret if you unsure about answers, mark for later and keep moving.
Read the questions very carefully and select most appropriate answer.
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Watch 2-hr of FREE actual mind-map based training on this page. Check out the Curriculum section to discover how this program is engineered for effortless PMP success. Grab special discount AND $497 valued bonus of weekly 1-1 coaching with Shiv Shenoy, for FREE today!
What study tips would you like to share with PMP aspirants?
I know I’ve said this earlier, but PM Exam Last Mile mind maps are a charm! With the free Xmind software they easy to learn from. The extra reading material in the Last Mile program also top class.
Simplilearn didn’t come close to Last Mile program. I forked out hundreds of dollars on Simplilearn.. and ended up not using.
Finally, if your 1-yr duration expires just write to PMI as I did. They will likely grant you a few months grace to write again. Don’t bank on it though! 🙂 Schedule your exam with enough time to spare.
Good luck,
Project Manager at Department of Health, Western Cape.
Infographic of Pass PMP In 4 Weeks Blueprint (this to make it possible)

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