Download Free PMP Book Now: Master Your Procurement Management Concepts

Procurement Management Concepts free pmp book kindleHard to believe it’s mid-week already! Though I’m on vacation I’ve been trying to get some work done, one of which is making sure people get to know about free access to these PMP Kindle books.

It feels as if I’m more productive – because there is no expectation to work while on vacation, I guess. 🙂 Oh yes, I did manage to wrap up and publish the review of Simplilearn PMP course yesterday.

Hope you got a chance to take a look at their over-the-top guarantee of a 100% fee refund if a student fails the PMP exam on the first try.

That’s phenomenal, I thought.

Today, you have free access to the 11th book in the series on the Amazon Kindle platform.

Please click here to get your free Kindle copy of the book ‘Master Your Procurement Management Concepts’!

Please note that free access is available for a limited time only, so grab this while it is available.

If you liked this book, please help me reach more PMP students by leaving honest feedback on Amazon.

Thank you!

In case you missed getting previous ones, here’re the links –

Which book did you find most useful? Let me know here or email me at shiv(at)pmexamsmartnotes(dot)com
Thanks for the feedback you’ve been sending my way.
Go ace that exam,
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