Free Kindle Book download: Master Your Integration Management Concepts

pmp project-intergration management conceptsI trust you’ve had a chance to get yesterday’s book Master Your Project Management Basic Concepts for free.

It’s amazing to see over 280 people have downloaded the book in 2 days. Thank you, if you were one of them!

Today I am giving away the 3rd book in the 12-book series, ‘Master Your Integration Management Concepts’ Kindle book.

All you do is click on the link below and get it by paying absolutely nothing.

You can immediately read it on your browser or on your PC/Mac/tablet/smartphone with the free Kindle reader app!

This book is available for free for 2 days only – that is, the Friday 30-Sept-2016 & 1-Oct-2016 PST time.

Click here to download ‘Master Your Integration Management Concepts’ Kindle book for free!

After download, if you liked the book, please consider writing 1-2 sentences about the book (3 easy steps) –

  1. Go to Master Your Integration Management Concepts’ Amazon Kindle book web page
  2. Scroll down to ‘Write a customer review’ button
  3. Click on the button and leave your review

And for some reason if you didn’t like the book – please write to me at shiv(at)pmexamsmartnotes(dot)com (or here) and give me your suggestions so I can make it more useful for you.

Thank you and happy studying!


PS: Please help other PMP students by sharing this page!

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