I am super-stoked to let you know that the entire 12 book series ‘Ace Your PMP® Exam’ is published in the form of one book!
This book of 650+ pages condenses entire PMP® concepts in easily understandable format, along with the 4-wk plan, and tips & techniques shared by many successful PMP® students.
This book is priced quite low to make it affordable anyone preparing for their PMP exam right now. It is set to increase on 16 June, so if you need a validated PMP® study resource please grab your copy today Yes, Kindle book can be read on a PC, smartphone or tablet with a free Kindle reader. 🙂
And if you liked the series, I’d appreciate an honest review on Amazon. Thank you in advance! 🙂
>> Click to get this low-priced book on Amazon.
Please send any feedback you may have to me directly at shiv[at]pmexamsmartnotes[dot].com
I read and reply to each and every email within 24hrs (earlier, most of the time 🙂 )
Thank you for your time and wish you PMP® success!
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