Thank you!
A thousand times over.
PMExamSmartNotes.com now has over a thousand unique visitors around the globe. In just 69 days of the launch!
This has been possible only due to your support!
This milestone indicates people are finding value in the PMP® lessons on this blog. This is a good validation for any new site/product. And it actually makes me want to put in more efforts to make this blog the most comprehensive source of information for anyone studying for PMP® or CAPM® certification exams. Stay tuned for more quality content on the blog.
Here’re some statistics –

Few quick notes –
- On an average, a visitor spent about four and half minutes on the blog per visit. May be scanned through few lessons (web reading style is more of scanning than book reading).
- On an average a readers visited 8+ pages. Some people might have spent more time going in detail through the notes, while some people might have ‘tested waters’ going through various pages to decide whether this blog is worth coming back to study.
- Bounce rate is low 10%. This is a good thing for any site. This bounce rate indicates that only about 10% of people visited exited right from the page they landed on. Lesser the bounce rate better it is.
- About 73% of visits were new visitors. This is a good indication for a growing (young) site where more people are coming to the site every day. This is analogous to new product or technology adaptation in the market.
Again, this couldn’t have been possible without your support. Thank you once again.